Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Day of Firsts

Today was the best day. I got up early because the phone rang at 7:30 and the window was open due to the beautiful fall weather we are having, and I was waiting for the geese to land and keep me awake. I decided, after Randy and the boys left, that today was going to be a "day of firsts." The very First First would be a shower...remember, I haven't had one since my surgery 2 weeks ago today. I put a plastic bag around my bandaged foot, and boot; wrapped a hand towel in the innerness, then put another plastic Target bag around the outer foot and secured it with postal tape. I figured if water did get in, then it deserved to be in there. I propped my recovering, wrapped foot on my little foot prop Randy put in when we first moved in for shaving my legs. All went well, until I reached for my shampoo, which was out by the sink. I spied the dog's towel that covers her bed right by the outside of the shower and threw it out full-length to catch all the dripping water from the bag on my foot. SUCCESS!

I got my hair washed with no problems and realized my razor was out by the tub where I had used it last. I really didn't want to push it a second time, so I craned my neck to look at the top shelf in the shower and I spied a disposable pink Gillette razor. I was so happy. All went well to the end of my toilette, right up until I walked out the door to take out some trash. I let Mollie walk into the garage with me and realized, when I tried to re-enter the house, that the door was locked. I know you will all think I'm doofessy, but my first thought was, "Oh no! I'm locked in the garage; how am I going to get back in the house?" I recovered quickly, just like the time my key battery stopped working and my first thought was, "Oh, no, how am I going to get back into my car?" (FYI, you actually put the key in the lock. Crazy, huh?) I opened the garage door and the dog slipped out quickly and I didn't see which direction she was running, so I instantly got a picture of me limping through the neighborhood calling the dog. Thank goodness, I didn't have to go far. She came the first time I called for once. I retrieved the key from it's hiding place, and proceeded to get myself finally out the door to start my day.

The second "first" was I drove myself, by myself, to do some errands. It was quite exciting. I propped that monster truck foot on the left side of the floorboard and felt in control once again. I am telling you, people were so nice. It's just like Leah said it would be. (She hurt her foot in Japan and walked around for a couple of weeks in pain before we found out it was fractured.) People opened doors for me. They stopped way before they had to, to let me walk across the street. They insisted I go to the front of the check-out line. "It was all good," as Larry, my brother-in-law would say. I was always VERY appreciative so they wouldn't regret putting me up and waiting on me. There was a little moment that gave me pause at A.C.Moore Art Supply Store. The girl at the left-hand check out kept coughing into her hand and sniffling. I told the lady behind me, who had put me up, that I wasn't going to go to her because of her cold and the fact that I didn't want one. She just smiled. The girl then says in a loud voice...after the person checking out says, "Do you have allergies?" The check-out girl answers, in a loud voice mind you, "No, I just woke up yesterday with this cold and it just keeps getting worse." HELLOOOO! I looked at the lady behind me and gave her a knowing look, but it didn't keep her from going up to her. Needless to say, I was worried sick for her, but the good thing is, I saw her again over at Target, and told her, "Thank you, again, for putting me up, but I just couldn't go to the lady with the cold." She said, she was worried herself, but she had washed her hands. I wished her good health and we parted. I hope she doesn't get the flu, which is progressing rapidly here. I even told the lady at the Dollar store to keep the change. Money is dirty!

I failed to mention that I got the first space at every store initially, then, when I got to Target, I started feeling guilty and took space number 7. As I walked up to the doors I noticed both sides of spot number one were open. I hope the people who parked there needed those spaces more than I did.

Michael and Lonnie leave tomorrow. (Hey, check out my new counter Michael helped me install. The reader from the Cameroon is Larry...Randy's sister, Connie's husband. Is that cool or what?) I'd love to thank whomever is viewing from Sweden, but I don't have a clue who it is.) We grilled out steaks and had a lovely evening. Everyone has retired but me and I am next. I slept like a brick last night because yesterday was the most energy I have exerted since the surgery. Today is a close second. Sweet dreams.

P.S. Another first: I slept for the FIRST time without my boot on! Yea! What's next? Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Mom- Go to Wal-mart. They actually treat you like a human with the boot on. It's the craziest thing.
