Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hot Wings & Cream Puffs

Today is Sunday, the day we start off by teaching 4 year olds in Sunday School; only Randy was minus a teacher this AM, but he picked up a mom who subs, along with her 9 year old daughter. All went well. No putting rubberbands around necks until there's a red line; no eating the play-doh; only a tell-tale sign of someone possibly using the sand box as a kiddy-litter, so that was cleaned and put away for the rest of the day. That was fine. Randy brought out the big guns for entertaining--the bean bag and pretzels. It is amazing how enthralled children can stay when there's a bean bag involved. Add pretzels and they're yours for the rest of the hour. All you do is position the chairs in two rows facing each other and give "the best sitters" 2 turns to throw the bean bag up to a higher window ledge. If it sticks, you get a pretzel. This being their first time and all, they didn't have any winners, but Randy gave them pretzels anyway after he saw them attempting with a little more concentration than he had previously seen.

I failed to ask him about the lesson about Phillip and the Eunuch. Hmmm, I need to do that. Plus, I'd like to know if he asked them questions about the story prior to their throwing, as I would have done. "Make every lesson a learning lesson," is my motto. (I used to teach 3rd grade. I can't help it.)

I've decided to put off talking about the book until after I see the doctor on Tuesday at 2. I should be all talked out about the mundane art of healing by then and will be able to get on with life as we all know it.

My friend, Susan Kreider, who worked with me at First Baptist Church of Windermere, spent the afternoon with me. It was wonderful catching up. We laughed, and laughed some more over fond memories we have shared. She's older than me, but she has a facebook page and took me on to catch up with some old acquaintances. ENLIGHTENING to say the least. I don't think I'm ready to venture there yet. I do like my privacy, believe it or not.

Randy took the dog out for a walk and came back with hot wings and cream puffs. Unexpected, but a nice surprise. He even had a story to go with it. He had walked down to our neighborhood pool to see how many people were there, since today is the last day of the pool season. He walked up to the gate, and there was our neighbor, Joyce, asking if he'd like some hot wings. He told her no, but she insisted and we got cream puffs thrown in for added measure. Needless to say, I will be sending him out much more often during the dinner hour from now on. (Just kidding. Everyone has been so wonderful about inquiring of our needs, and Randy has everything under control.)

BTW...Randy said he did get the lesson in, but they had a hard time understanding about the Eunuch's chariot, since they've never seen one. They did understand that a scroll is an old-timey Bible, so that's progress.

To close, I hope you all have unexpected surprises like hot wings and cream puffs this week.


  1. Lets see if this works! I'm upset I missed the wings more upset I missed th cream puffs. The blog is great! Keep it up!

  2. OMG, Where can I buy this book??? Oh I forgot, it's a blog. Well OK, it should be a best seller if it was ever published. People love reading real stuff when it happens to other people. Kathy

  3. You are turning into a WEB GURU! ...dcgirldebbie, pretty clever!
