Saturday, September 19, 2009

Not so "pain free Friday night"

I have awakened the past two nights at 1:10. The first night, I made sure all was well after feeling a little throbbing in my foot, then went back to sleep. Last night, it wasn't so easy. The pain just kept getting worse and worse, but it was still not as bad as it could be. I just drifted in and out of sleep, not wanting to awaken Randy unless I absolutely had to. (He's starting to look like Jon Gosselin from Jon & Kate, Plus 8, the reality tv show that is making the news these days. Shorts, T shirt and steamer trunks under his eyes from lack of sleep.) He's afraid he's going to bump my foot, he says.

Finally at 6 AM, I started to feel nauseous. (Eating in bed is not conducive to good digestion; therefore we have introduced a new pill...Prilosec, which, if taken an hour before I eat a meal, will hold the food down in my stomach as opposed to feeling like it's only made it as far as my medulla oblongata. I hope I have the right body part, but I think you get my drift.) I figured I'd better get him up to go and get me a bowl before he had an even bigger mess on his hands. Needless to say, I took my pills and drifted back into la-la land for 4 more hours of sleep. He wasn't so lucky, but I have an idea he's about to watch football with his eyes closed.

Holding true to my word, I have investigated the world of blogging today. My, I am long winded compared to everyone else, so I am going to stop here and start reading again. I've ordered two books from publisher Kevin Watson's, and can't wait to start reading and reviewing two of his newly published books, one of which he wrote himself. I am hoping for insight into how this book I'm writing is going to play out. I feel as though I could write 3 books just on the information I have. I think tomorrow I will share how all of this came to be. In the meantime...take good care of your feet. You only have 2!

1 comment:

  1. Someone asked how to post a comment so I am trying it out firsthand. Just hit the comment section & start typing, then hit post comment.
    Then you choose how you will comment...I chose the Google one, and just punched Post Comment. Let's see if it works.
