Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I want to start out today's blog by thanking everyone responsible for helping me become an official BLOGGER:

Michael Bleser, a true blessing with two Ss, for helping me get this blogging thing going. It was very easy to do. Being a baby boomer, I am wary of anything that plugs in and requires something of you afterward. I even know how to EDIT thanks to him.

Our daughter, Leah McCann, for sending out the link to everyone since I had no clue about what to do next. She even told me how to star it up at the top so I can just click on the star rather than call her everyday to figure out where it is. So thoughtful of her.

Kevin Watson from Press53, who suggested I start a blog to begin with. He is a local publisher that a friend suggested I go hear at the library one stormy night a few months ago. I went in spite of the torrential rain, wind and lightning, and drove straight into sunshine right outside of Brookberry Farm, our neighborhood whose history I am chronicling. A good life lesson, and well worth the time. I am now a blogging tool. (Who wants to be a fool? Certainly not I.)

The "friend" who suggested I go hear Kevin speak to begin with, and who has been more of a help than he will ever know, Bo Gray, IV. He is very blog savvy, as are Michael and Kevin.

And lastly, Mary Kevin Miller--my very first follower! I'm not quite sure what that entails, but I sure hope it's something good, like a trip or something. She certainly deserves some kind of recognition for taking the plunge...not knowing if her identity will be assumed by another or not. (She said it was very simple and very little is required.) My sister Linda and Michael have followed suit and Leah is now following at my request. BUT, she did tell me one does not have to sign up as a follower just to read the blogs. To tell you the truth, I think I would just stay on an "as read" basis until this stuff is fool proof. I would love to hear comments, good and better, so feel free to email me at your leisure. A big thanks to my sister- in- law Connie, who said she experienced a multitude of feelings as she read yesterday's blog. That's what writing is supposed to do, correct?

All is well with the foot. No pain as of yet. Tomorrow and Friday are the true tests, and I am hoping for the best. I am more concerned about the weight I must be putting on, as Randy is bringing in food every time I turn around; hence the crumbs in the bed and on the floor, but our dog Mollie is loving the extra morsels. (6:05 PM...sorry to announce I just took my first requested pain pill. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.)

In regard to the mosquito that came in with us yesterday from the car. I didn't hear it again last night after Randy administered the pain pill that I didn't need. Since only the females bite, I am hoping it was a male and has met its demise in another room in the house from lack of nourishment. Anybody ever read the children's book, "Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears?"
That may not be the exact title, but I believe it said only the females even buzz, but I wasn't sure so I can't have complete assurance of its gender. Anyway, I kept my water glass covered to make sure there would be no temptation for larvae laying. (I just read that once the larvae hit the ground and there is no more water source, all is well.)

Today wasn't near as exciting as yesterday, but I am loving the down time. I have my Bag O' Fun close by and have yet to touch it. I hope I get to learn how to use my ipod the kids gave me 4 years ago for Christmas, along with the digital camera we got in Hong Kong 5 years ago. If I have any time after that, I am going to learn how to work my, I did not say TAPE RECORDER. If it had a tape I would be fine, but it doesn't. It just records and I have to transcribe it all. One of my interviewees has a very distinct dialect and I want it captured for the book because she is so precious. Dragonware is not known to pick up those details, so I am enjoying typing every word whenever I get a chance.

I'm usually submitting this around 11 PM or so, but not much is probably going to happen for the rest of the day, so I will sign off for now and give you a little piece of advice I'm going to keep myself--Don't wear pointy shoes!

Proverbs 4:25-27 “Look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.”

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