Tuesday, September 15, 2009


No, it's not my birthday. It's Bunion Removal Day! And my, there were quite a few of us...7 in fact. I asked the anesthetist, "Why?" and he said, "Because all you baby-boomers are getting older," and that was enough said. My friend Karen, who went through a liver transplant a few years back, reminded me how fortunate I am not to be familiar with hospitals at this age. We thank God all the time for our health, and I especially am thankful that this was an elective surgery that I initiated.

So far, I don't regret it. I didn't get to sleep until 3 last night because I was contemplating all the things I needed to do before we left at 10 AM. I finally let it go and fell asleep on the couch until 6 AM, then hopped in the bed until 8:45. I was instructed not to shave my legs or cut my toenails 3 days prior to the surgery, but I ever so gently shaved my legs this AM, praying all the while I wouldn't nick anything and be found out. I did not cut my toenails though! NO WAY!

My friend, Nanette, delivered a delicious looking fresh-hen-egg-right-off -the-farm casserole prior to our leaving, which we are eating tomorrow night. She is the queen of organic, so I am really looking forward to it. (Dr. said keep it bland the first night, so Randy prepared steamed shrimp over rice pilaf (with a teeny bit of pesto for flavor because they said no greasy, fried or spicy foods) and we had leftover green beans with dry toasted french bread and fresh strawberries. It was a beautiful plate and very flavorful. Can't wait for tomorrow's smorgasbord. He is loving this care-giving stuff...at least on day 1.

My friend, Susan, and her daughter, Sydney, delivered a REAL homemade pumpkin pie; real in the fact that she picked out the pumpkin herself. The vendor told her she might be able to get 2 pies out of that one pumpkin, so 4 pies later and bags of real pumpkin in the freezer-- enough to make 14 more, she's set for fall cooking. I am proud of her.

Flowers, notes, visits, emails, and phone calls heralded our return home. Thank you all for caring. Everyone near and far has volunteered to help, but I'm telling you, Randy is in his element. My friends, Brenda and Gail, and my sisters, all who live out of state, have volunteered to come and play nurse, and I'm very appreciative of that. My new NC friends, with the Brookberry Farm Bible study group leading the way, make me just feel loved to pieces. I am blessed. Bruce from CA just said, "Enjoy the meds."

We got there ahead of time and I want you to know, I have had peace throughout this whole thing...well, anyway, up to going to the bathroom for the first time, which I have put off the whole day. I decided I needed to do it by myself, and I did. All went well, until I got back into bed and felt a twinge of what could be described as "beginning pain." Needless to say, I played the NEW "What if..." video again, and could actually feel the blood clot going up to my heart. False alarm now that I'm all propped up and back in bed. I don't know about you, but re-breaking my foot sounds better than putting Randy through the old bedpan routine. My blood pressure was even normal with no morning pill, which is highly unusual, and my pulse was in the 70s, and that's the most unusual.

Let's get to the good stuff. They gave me my own pajamas, made out of navy blue paper stuff akin to inner facing, which I am wearing now because they are so comfortable, along with the fact they sent me home in them. Randy has complimented me over and over about how good I look in navy blue, so I am seeing some new clothing in my future--navy blue of course. All the prep was a piece of cake and I met a bunch of "new friends." I made sure everyone was qualified in doing what they were supposed to do. (OH, I forgot to tell you I pre-tied a pink ribbon around the toe in question. I've heard the horror stories in the news about what could happen.) What made me feel good was they made me initial my pre-surgery foot and put a dot on the big toe in black marker. I wanted to put a smiley face on the toenail I was so happy they were taking such precautions, but I just decided against it as I didn't want to distract them in any way. They even spoke louder to emphasize it was THE LEFT FOOT, just so everyone in the room was all on the same page. I'm telling you right now, if you EVER have surgery on ANYTHING, introduce this procedure to your surgical team if they do not already implement it. It will give you a lot of confidence in THE TEAM and you can take that last deep breath into the face mask with great joy and anticipation for a good outcome.

I was a little cranky that they awakened me so quickly, as I was just about to find out something I had been wanting to know something more about. Don't ask me what it was. I can't remember, but I know it was good and could have been beneficial to my future in the long run. No, it wasn't lottery numbers, as "You've got to play to win!" and I don't. It was something better. I will let you know if I ever remember it.

My new best nurse friend, whose name I can't recall, gave Randy all the post-surgery rules and off to home we came. Got up the porch stairs just fine, even though I now realize if we stay in this house into retirement we will have to have a ramp installed, but not today. That gives me a few years to design something that doesn't look as though it was just installed by the children on a weekend visit to make them look and feel like they care. I got in bed just fine; propped my foot 6 inches above my hips and have been holding court ever since via phone, email, flowers, food, visits and U.S. mail. (I think I'm starting to repeat myself, but I know you'll understand.) I'm thankful I haven't died and gone to heaven, but I am reaping the blessings nonetheless.

There is one kink in the whole day...a mosquito followed us into the house because we had to hold the door open for so long, and it has been buzzing me off and on all afternoon. I am hoping that it has flown into another room and dies prematurely as Randy is not taking this as seriously as he should. I'm starting to get a little warm and do not feel comfortable about poking my good foot out for air. (I can't believe he doesn't remember that his dad's secretary was bitten by a mosquito years ago and died.) I think the mosquito is back for an almost midnight snack, and I do not want to awaken Randy rudely with a slap, as his head is exposed and he is not on watch as I am. (I hope I don't scare him to death when he wakes up and sees the sheet pulled over my head to keep from being bitten. I REALLY need him right now.)

I actually made a mistake on the first blog, and could have on this one, but I am attributing today's mistakes to the pain pill that Randy just gave me per the nurse's instructions. I really don't need it, but he will have none of that, Nurse Ratchett. The mistake was on the sentence that said the doctor assured me he would only cut in the places needed, not just one big slash. (Sweet Michael has taught me how to edit since then, so I spend more time on that than actually writing the blog each day.) Well, Randy's already snoring and I am going to have to wake him up eventually for one more bathroom break...make that two. Mollie needs to go out one more time too, before all is quiet once again. Love you all! Thanks again for the prayers more than anything. God heard each one of them and gave them back to me in LOVE. LEAH & MATTHEW, you have been good concerned children. Leah, EVERYONE near my age is very thankful that you sent them the link, as once I sent it, I had no clue where it went. You should have been a detective. Sweet dreams!

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