Monday, September 21, 2009

The Little Things in Life

It's ironic that the neighborhood Bible study ladies have requested that our new study be on the book, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World." I am amazed that I am getting to live out the book's premise two weeks prior to the first class. It's about women achieving balance in their lives in the midst of the tyranny of the urgent. It's very holistic sounding, addressing ones spiritual, mental, emotional, intellectual and physical components. (I do not use the word holistic in a new agey way as some might assume.) I am loving this quiet time to reflect on the needs of others and in view of myself and how I relate to them.

Everyone has been very kind to me and it's just a healing foot. Since my attention has been caught by all the things outside this room, I am so thankful it's just a healing foot. In the last week, I have heard of many deaths, mostly of those who have lived long, fulfilling lives; new names that are battling breast cancer, which seems to be spreading like wildfire across our nation, and pending decisions that will determine the quality of life for many. I am thankful that I can be still and KNOW that HE is GOD, and pray for those in need with a new vengeance, just as I know people have been praying for me. Reciprocity is a good thing. I hope we can all practice it consciously and voluntarily, without having to have something bad happen to let us know how it feels not to have it.

My foot's getting better. I felt an itchy sensation and thought, "Oh no! I've heard about tickles under the cast!" Thank goodness, it was on the outside of the cast. I am so thankful for these little things. They all add up you know.

A friend brought over about 3 dozen roses today, fresh from her beautiful garden. Long stemmed roses. It was quite relaxing to watch her actually place the florist tape over the top of the vase, forming a grid, then placing each rose into it's proper square. I will try to get Randy to take a picture so that we all can enjoy them. They smell delicious. I wish there was a hard piece of candy that had a rose flavor. Hmmm. I think the Japanese, who are known for their hard candies, have come up with it after all. (I remember the flavor when I was there.) I wonder if there is such thing as a bottle of Rose Flavoring. Let me know if there is.

Aunt Connie and Uncle Larry (Randy's sister and her husband) also sent a beautiful arrangement of flowers today. Lilies, roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and the most beautiful filler flowers I can't identify, although I've planted them in my garden before. Summer season's breath is changing quickly to that of fall. I LOVE IT! There's a little nip in the air, and I catch in my peripheral vision near the window, about one leaf falling per day.

There is a saying written in beautiful gold script above our stove that always seems to catch new visitor's attention. It says, "The simplest things remind us of all that we have to be thankful for." I hope that it will be true for all of us.

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