Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Rainy Writey Day

It's a rainy overcast, chilly day, and I love it. It makes me want to stay inside, even though I just walked in from our Bible study across the street; so I have been out in it, but now I'm not. I've told you I'm a little hesitant to sit down and write, mostly because it just makes me have more questions that I don't have the answers to yet, and I am putting undue pressure on myself. Because I want to be "qualified" to do this, I am feeling the urge to write outside the subject of the book, so I have decided to submit a "flash fiction" story to one of our local publisher's contest. It involves me writing a story; in this case it is about something that really happened, but I have changed the names to protect the not so innocent. (Don't go getting up in arms, everyone who is in it and is still alive has already read it and thinks it's funny.) One person read it three times, thinking it sounded familiar, until he got that it was him. I'll send it out someday after all the winners are announced, probably sometime in June. (What do I have to lose, but $15. for the reading fee?) In the meantime, it's time to WRITE!

Hope you are having a productive day, no matter what the weather!


  1. Way to go! Proud of you. Great story, thanks for letting me read it!

  2. I'm gonna hope that the guessing came from UB, and not Dad. Rained all day here too.

  3. It's like Kevin says, don't spend too much time thinking about it, just write. There will be time to edit later. I am about to start on a new intro to "As A Man Thinketh." So I was the recipient of that piece of advice just ten days ago. Have I started writing? No, but my plan is that my tomorrow afternoon I will have my first draft done.
