Friday, January 29, 2010

The Big Hairy Beast

"The Big Hairy Beast." That's what I call my recorder that I have been using to help me write THE BOOK. As I've told you's not a tape recorder...just a spy recorder, I've decided. It would be fine in a court of law if the operator could remember how to get to the point without having to wind forward, or backwards 3000 times. The only way you can utilize it well, is to transcribe, which takes forever. I finally figured out how to slow it down, so now it sounds like the speakers are all in slow motion, including myself. I hate the way I sound on a recorder anyway; slow it down, and put my new southerner drawl in the mix, and it's a recipe for ear-tormentation. I tell you all this to let you know, it has been tormenting my eyes every time I go up to write and realize I have a little more to write down. I already have everything on a CD, so I just pushed the erase button, which said it was for compartment 1, and the next thing you know, I have erased everything. I feel free all of a sudden...knowing I have it on a CD and in written form for the most part. I picked up the phone right after I did it, to make my next appointment with my next interviewee. Good thing he wasn't home. I wanted to set up a time this weekend, but unless he can sled or snowshoe over, it doesn't look like any of us will be going anywhere.

The day started out sunny and beautiful, but those fluffy snow clouds have crept in, along with the cold, and the winter storm should be commencing within the hour. The grocery stores are full as we may be in for a few days. It reminds me so much of preparing for the hurricanes in Florida... it's just cold, instead of hot; therefore the food selection goes from thinking about what we would have to eat if the electricity goes off, (which includes the freezer/fridge) to not worrying about the freezer/fridge because there's plenty of ice outside. We can cook on the propane grill if we need to and we have a gas stove and fireplaces throughout the house.

I have pulled out my "Bag O' Fun," from my bunion removal days, and Randy and I are going to make our Valentine's for each other this year. I bought about $40. worth of stuff and have told him we're making them for "FREE" this year. I think he fell for it, because I haven't gotten any flack thus far. This is a true act of love for him, as he does not think creatively; therefore I have bought him peel and sticks. Maybe I'll figure out how to take a picture and put it up for you. (My mother said, my father whom I never knew, used to make her valentines all those years ago. She cherished them, even after their divorce, and I think Linda and Scarlette may have a sample or two of his artistic ability.) I have his little paint box and sometimes wonder if he is where I get my creative bent from.

Gotta run and make sure the cupboard is stocked so we're not gnawing on wood by Sunday. If you find yourselves getting bored this weekend, pull out your own "Bag O' Fun," or make one and "Bag O' Fun" away. It's very therapeutic!

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