Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Snowing!

Well, after a lot of anticipation and expectation, it's finally snowing. We thought it would have arrived sooner, but it just started right after 5 PM. I had just said to Randy, "I wonder what the hold up is." Then I looked up and it's hard to see in the distance the snow is so dense. It's been coming down for maybe 10 minutes, and the roof next door is already white, along with the backyard. We were supposed to have rain first, and I am so thankful that it never rained, as I can't stand that ice layer underneath. It takes too long to thaw and it's dangerous. EVERYTHING has a layer of snow on it, and we just heard our snow totals are going up. We are ready to hunker down, as they say in Florida. The heaviest showers will be tomorrow and we are at an expected 6 to 10 inches. Wind chills tomorrow night will make it feel like 2 degrees...for some people, but not us...we are two little Eskimos tucked into our igloo with our little sled dog. Will keep you posted unless it is just too boring, OR I find an unoccupied sled!

1 comment:

  1. We will be headed out to the farm after lunch today for some sledding again. Love it.
