Friday, January 8, 2010

It's Time

I just looked back at past blogs and I came upon the November 16, entry that I was going to start chronicling the writing of the book. I say compile, because the history is already written, so it is just a matter of putting it all together in a most interesting way. I am so thorough it hurts. Because the information I have is so interesting to me, I can't help thinking that if I left a particular tid-bit out that no one would know what I know, and they would miss out.

For instance, did you know the Gray family Winston Salem history goes back as far as 1849, when Robert Gray bought one of the first parcels of land at the first sale on May 12, 1849? I don't know about you, but I've never lived anywhere where I have had family living for over 150 years. He was one of the first merchandisers here and he hired a man named Will Brock to work for him. They all used to hang out at the potbelly stove in the back of the store with some other fellas named Dick and Will Reynolds. Eventually R.J. Reynolds (Dick) hired Brock to work for him at his tobacco company, and he became a salesman for him in Tennessee. Does the name Brock ring a bell? He went on to fame and fortune in the candy industry! I LOVE Brock's chocolate covered cherries and used to get a box from my sisters every year for Christmas. (Randy renewed the tradition this year and I enjoyed every last one.)

I hope you will keep me in your prayers as I sit down and sort all the information I have gathered in the last eleven months. I am coming up to my one year mark when I made a phone call to our Developer, Jim McChesney, and he put me in touch with Bowman Gray, IV, the grandson of Bowman Gray, Jr. Since then, I have been on a wonderful, swirly, rollercoaster ride of getting to know him and other family members ,and those connected with the family, and my interest in the history of Winston Salem just continues to grow. I cannot get enough. I am so thankful for those of you who encourage me and want me to succeed in this endeavor. What started out as just a pamphlet for newcomers to Brookberry Farm, has morphed into an encyclopedia that could fill a room, so that is probably where you need to start your prayers..."Just the facts, ma'm."

Stay tuned! Don't expect something every day, but you never know when I may just have to share something in advance because I can't hold onto it any longer!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading the tidbits about the Gray's. You can do this! Remember Susan Boyle!
