Monday, October 5, 2009

Turning Point II

Sorry, it's taken me so long. I went on and changed some of the settings this AM, because Larry from Camaroon told me he couldn't read the french surrounding the instructions on how to comment on my blog, which is still giving everyone trouble. Could someone please place in the comment section how to comment? Thank you! Anyway, I thought I'd solved the problem by pushing the transliteration button, but when I started writing it came out in Hindu. No, I don't speak or write Hindu. It said next to it that it was Hindu, that's how I know.

I had a HUGE turning point today. I took off my monster truck boot a whole day early AND took a shower without 2 plastic bags and a towel around my foot, secured by postal packing tape. It was so much fun just standing up straight and not worrying about tipping too close to the glass as I tried to shave my legs with the boot propped up on my little stool like in the past. FREEDOM! I got out, gingerly dried my transformed foot, put on a sock, (not too tight the doctor had said) and put on my NEW BOOT. So help me, I felt like Cinderella, minus the Prince Charming. (He was at work already.) I didn't have a problem going from it being tipped up to being level. I AM SO HAPPY!

I just showed Randy my exposed foot and we were very impressed with the scar. Upon a closer perusal than I gave this morning, I learned there is a bruise on the bottom of my foot and that's another consequence of the broken bone. I can't believe I've been walking with a bruise on my foot! I, at one point, thought the doctor had done a toe-reduction that I kind of jokingly, not really, suggested, as my second toe is larger than my BIG toe. I've always heard that a female with a larger second toe, ruled the family. I don't want that to be the case, so I figured I could alter fate. (I used to have spaces between my front teeth and you know what that means...that you're going to travel, and travel I've done, even after I got them fixed, so I guess there really is no fate-altering. Que sera sera.) No, I'm not superstitious. To get back to the point, there was still quite a bit of bruising...and I know it's from the doctor and nurse playing "This Little Piggy," on my toes. I also noticed a little nick on the second toe. I was out of it, but I can just hear the anesthetist saying, "NO, don't reduce that toe! We can get her later for another operation!" He was the one I had suggested it to to begin with.

I remembered the "Word for the blog for the day!" It's UBIQUITOUS. Don't you just love that word? I do. I am going to theme this week's words. They will all have a Q in them, so that I can learn how to spell q words for when I play Scrabble. I play to win. UBIQUITOUS means...just in case it's not in your everyday vocabulary; "being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent." Michael used it in his blog in regard to the golden arches being ubiquitous. My sentence is: The mosquitoes are ubiquitous right now and driving me crazy. I know there could have been a better sentence, but it is 11:07.

I think that's it for now. "Castle" is on and I just love it. I am thankful that I turned my point early and we can all rejoice together that I did. I love talking to my friends from afar and heard from two today. I love telephones and emails...still don't understand how a radio works. I'm embarrassed to tell you how long I thought little people were in those neat old stand-up radios like my mother had, and I always tried to sneak a peek of the singers in there twirling on a record playing their cellos and guitars. (I also tried to keep one eye open at bedtime because my sisters told me that my dolls came to life while I was sleeping. I'd even put a snore in for good measure.) I didn't know until the movie "Toy Story" that I should have tried filming it instead. Sweet dreams.


  1. Arnica will help with that bruise. You can find it a Whole Foods. Speaking of ubiquitous, I finally went to clean up my gardens at the farm and the only thing that escaped my lips was "HOLY MOLY" hot peppers - tons of them. There will undoubtedly be more. Let me know you want some.

  2. Your ubiquitous sporit is revealed in every post. -Hope you're having a good week so far :)

  3. Whenever I see the word "omnipresent" I think of that line in Home Alone 2 "...He's omnipresent!" You're obviously "ubiquitous" reaching other countries now--I'm so impressed
    :-) La-ti-ci-a
