Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Not Even 20 Flushes

Dire circumstances call for drastic measures. Being on your back for over a week allows you to see the person you've lived with for 35 years with a different perspective. That would be Randy, in case you are wondering. We have 6 toilets in this house, and we are very thankful for all six of them, but for some reason, these toilets develop that little pink ring at the top of the water line faster than we've ever seen them develop before. We expected it in Florida due to all the humidity, but not here, and it develops in a matter of days, whether you use the toilets or not. (FYI, I clean the toilets once a week whether anyone has used them or not... and ALWAYS before and after our guests leave.)

Well, Randy was in charge of cleaning the house while I was off my feet, and he decided he would take matters into his own hands. He went out and bought a product boasting A LOT OF Flushes, thinking he wasn't going to have to clean the toilet nearly as often as I have been doing these last two years. He started with 2 toilets: ours and the guest room toilet located near our bedroom. Our bathroom we share, adjacent to our bedroom, of course is the one most often used. It flushed blue every time, signifying in our eyes, that the product was working. Not so in the guest bathroom, but he didn't find that out until he went out and bought one for every toilet in the house. I did a quick look-see before we had company last week and all the toilets looked like...suffice it to say, a pinkish yellow...not orange, not red, and in some cases green. It took two flushes each to make the strange colors disappear. (I hate to interrupt, but we had quite a few visitors at this time, and I don't want you to think we are dying of some strange urinary tract disease.)

Something was not right. Randy became quite upset, when after only about 15 or so flushes, the water stopped turning blue; he decided to call the company and found out that the product only truly works if you regularly use the toilet, otherwise it reacts against itself. They said they get reports all the time of the different colors. They asked Randy if he'd like more, and he sweetly declined. Randy, being the frugal person that he is though, showed up later with blue hands from removing all the little tablets and doing who knows what with them. I do not want to know, since we won't be using them again, but for some reason our toilet is so blue it's almost black, so I think he's doubling up.

Which brings to mind. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the water. One would think the water in NC would be crystal clear and sparkling, due to traveling all over rocks and coming from hidden, protected springs. We just read in the paper that we are rated number 3 for worst in drinking water. Florida rated 2nd, Georgia 5th, and California 1st. (This is public news. I'm not exposing anything.)We've lived in every one of those states. I wonder what that means for our bodies. Georgia was the only place I ever remember drinking it in excess right out of the tap, but maybe I am just having selective memory to protect myself. If anyone has any suggestions on how to clean these toilets organically, let me know. (Just got off the phone with Leah, and she told me that Clorox makes a cleaner called Clorox Green Works.) Hope this helps. Foot's fine, other than it looks like it is molting today. Hope you all are well. You might want to do a water check of your state before taking that next big gulp.

Word for the blog for the day: "quintessence," n. The pure, highly concentrated essence of something. Time for a mind stretch? Who can come up with a sentence in relation to this word and drinking water?


  1. Hi Sister,

    I read your blog tonight, very "informative"! Okay, which toilet am I missing? Two upstairs, one for each bedroom, wait, are there TWO toilets between the office and the guest bedroom? Must be, cause I count two on main level and one downstairs.

    Georgia is suppose to have the best tasting tap water in the world! Did this survey say who was number 1 for purity?

    Anyway, I have no idea how to comment on your blog, but tonight's was funny. I could just see Randy being "Papa Smurf"!


  2. I believe #1 for purity was ALASKA. And of course, with those icebergs, surely the germs must have died at those freezing temperatures. I am sure someone out there in blogdom can explain what constitutes "pure water" and how, but not me.
