Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fast Forward to the Present For a Minute

What a mix of emotions these last two days have been. Yesterday was the funeral of one of our brave police officers who was killed in the line of duty. He and another officer were shot on October 7, in response to a domestic violence call at a local Bojangles restaurant. Sgt. Mickey Hutchens died this past Monday. It was very sad. His pastor said, "He was a great family man. He loved his children and his wife and his family. Mickey loved his family because he loved the Lord. He knew what love was."

There was a memorial service at Wait Chapel at Wake Forest University. Randy called while I was out, and during the service, and told me not to go toward 40 or Silas Creek due to the traffic. I was en route home and decided I could at least go OVER a bridge that would show the procession to the burial site. I just felt a need to pay my respects to his family and law-enforcement in general. I was amazed at how quickly I made my way to the bridge. NOTHING could have astounded and overwhelmed me more to look on both sides of the bridge and see police cars of every make and color with their blue lights flashing in silence. It was a steady stream as far as the eye could see in both directions. I've never seen anything like it. People were stopped on the other side and were paying their respects with their hands over their hearts. I just said a prayer for the families and added another prayer for the family of the man who shot them. My heart goes out to them every time I see them on the news. He was killed in the mayhem and they are left to clean up the mess on his part. As I looked at the stream of well-wishers, I couldn't help but hope that Winston Salem could be the first small/large town in the world to just say and mean, "We've had enough. We will no longer tolerate anything harmful to another. We will practice the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Today, on the other hand, just flipped the page to what makes Winston Salem a fun place to live. It was a beautiful overcast, cold, fall day. The Bowman Gray, Jr., estate on Brookberry Farm had an auction. It was open to the public and yours truly was there front and center. I arrived at 9:35 AM to see people milling about looking for a treasure they would hopefully take home. I registered and got my number, lucky 47, and couldn't wait for the bidding to start, which it did right after 10:00. The auctioneer started with the Bob Timberlake limited edition pictures in the sitting room and then went to other originals and the rugs. I raised my hand a few times to drive up the bids, and could have kicked myself a few times for not being THE LAST NUMBER. But who knew?

I started to get the hang of hearing the auctioneer's voice go into the final drone, and stopped living in the "you snooze, you lose" realm. There was a Limoge box that went for $5. and a Tiffany tray with beautiful tulips that went for $30. HELLO! Don't pity me, I'm slow, but I did finally get it. I got a set of brass andirons for the fireplace for $7., some Limoge and Royal Doulton coffeeware, four mahogany chairs for my game table upstairs, and Mrs. Gray's coffee carafes in which she served coffee and breakfast to her guests in bed when they visited. You know what I am going to be doing with may not get breakfast in bed, but I sure will make an effort to have coffee at the door as you prepare to come upstairs or downstairs.

Randy stayed home until lunch time, then brought me a heavy jacket, chair, lunch and a coffee. A lot of the neighborhood showed up, but the women could not even fathom using the Porta-toilets, which I thought was hilarious. I am of pioneer stock and it sure comes in handy in times like this. Porta-toilets have come a long way, so girls, give it a try. You really don't know what you are that deviled egg tray that you've never seen another like anywhere.

Randy called right at the end...he's so intuitive, and made the 4 minute drive to the estate just as I was lifting OUR new game table chairs over the splitrail fence. I love this place and don't want to miss out on one opportunity of this fun adventure we are on. Beware future visitors...I will probably challenge you to a game of Scrabble. In the meantime internalize your new words and the word for the blog for the day (which I sometimes forget to put in) is: "satiated or sate;" [v.] both are generally interchangeable, and mean to satisfy an appetite or desire FULLY. Sentence: Winston Salem satiates my hunger for the arts and creativity. May the Lord satiate each one of you in ways that glorify Him and bless you and others. "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20.

Oh, by the way. I have to tell you that my foot got a LOT of attention. People stopped me left and right wanting to know what had happened. (I'm telling you...these people are so darn nice.) I got to hear all their foot stories; some good and some just down-right horrible (like the lady who didn't get to shower for 2 years because her feet were in such a mess) and I even have a message for my sweet Dr. Welby look-alike on Monday, my last visit, you'll be happy to know. He will be getting asparagus in the spring as soon as it comes in. The auctioneer even said he liked my shoes, "by the way." I had on my new boot and a hot pink galosh. (It was only one.)I'll tell you, I'm going to have a hard time putting this foot in a shoe, so I may just extend the boot time a little. I'll keep you posted.

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