Friday, October 2, 2009

Literate Yourself

We had our Amos Cottage Guild coffee last Friday morning at the Brookberry Farm clubhouse across the street. We had a marvelous speaker from United Way, and after hearing Mary Dame, the Cottage Director, speak, I was thankful once again to be a part of such a wonderful endeavor. I may have mentioned that the Therapeutic Day Program there is involved with identifying and working with children with behavioral/emotional problems, along with their parents, for approximately 6 months to help the children function better in the classroom. Mary had the children make suncatchers for our gift bags that we had ready for new members, of which there were three. (My friend, Susan, is one of them and she's already signed up to help with everything I help with and that makes me happy.)

I am adding a new "something" to the blog. A word for the day! I thought of it after reading Michael's blog and he used the word...hmmmm, I can't remember it so we will use that word tomorrow for our first "Word for the Blog." Get's a good one.

On to other things. Susan, Randy and I went to the Parking Lot sale at the Hanesbrands Mill here in Winston Salem yesterday, to help support the United Way and to pick up some deals. Needless to say, it was PACKED by 9:45 AM, but that did not deter us. Randy dropped us at the front so I could start hobbling along; traffic had stopped momentarily, and Susan and I were just about to cross the street when a man told us no purses were allowed. I threw my purse at Susan and she tore over to the car and threw them in before Randy could move another inch.

Visualize this: you put a bunch of open boxes on tables, and they're full of drastically reduced underwear in all sizes and colors, and the end result is mayhem. In truth, it only looked that way with the paper strewn everywhere, and being relocated with every shoe that scuffed by or breeze that created paper insert storms. I have to take another moment to tell you how precious these North Carolinians are. I heard nothing but "excuse me's," and, "here's your size 6's you were looking for. " How sweet is that?

In fact, the day was so beautiful with fall approaching and all, that Susan and I just took our time going from box to box, since Randy was already standing in line and hadn't moved for our first six rows of looking. Peace and good will just hovered over the Hanesbrands parking lot, and it was obvious it extended all the way to the parking lot across the street, where our cars were.

I know you're anxious to hear what we bought, but I can't tell you, because they're surprises for our children's stockings; BUT suffice it to say, for 50 cents a pop, everyone got a little something. Susan walked out with a bundle for only $11, and our whopping total was only $31. and our Santa bag was pretty heavy. Oh, I can tell you this. We had silverfish in FL that ate our clothing. Here, we have earwigs, you know, those black little centipede type things with pinchers. They have found my underwear for some reason, so I am prepared now for about 2 weeks without having to do any replacing. Randy would have been, but they only carried size 2X and small in the boxer/brief underwear. (He does not fit into either category.)

Once Susan and I had seen everything, we joined Randy in line, and of course, started getting to know the man behind us. Randy had already asked him everything, so we didn't repeat but a few questions, which Randy answered for us. (His son may be going to Duke on a football scholarship.) In the course of all this talking, I finally noticed that the workers had on T-shirts that said, "Live United." Remember who spoke at the Amos Cottage coffee?" Eric, a United Way executive here. I told one of the Hanes leaders (They had on red shirts as opposed to worker- white.) I was so proud to be a part of this and mentally wished I had spent more. He told me their goal was $200,000. I told him I hoped he exceeded it and Randy read in the paper today, that the sale, along with another United endeavor, produced approximately $266,000. Isn't that wonderful? And it was fun to boot.

From there, we went antique shopping, but not really. I'm looking for an old porcelain sink with sideboards so Randy can make me a potting bench. (I may have told you.) We found the most wonderful hidden house that looked like where Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte would have lived, and then right behind it, a barn full of old glass windows, iron-ware, you name it. Beyond that was the first R. J. Reynold's tobacco warehouse that had been relocated and stocked full of southwestern stuff, like a bison head, lots of antlers and Indian relics. Everything was surrounded with bricked or rock bordered garden areas with antique yard ornaments situated in just the perfect place. Susan and I decided right then that we would be going back and taking lunch with us the next time to eat on the lawn with the old white dog. (He was real and slow.)

You'd think that was a full day, wouldn't you? But no! Randy and I had a choice of going to an Art Exhibit opening or a Press 53 event at a bookstore in Kernersville, about 20 minutes away. I chose the latter because I learn a lot about the publishing business when I hear Kevin speak. (Check out his blog. He's one of my followers, and you may just LITERATE YOURSELF.) It was so much fun. We got to see the new budding authors and hear poetry from quite a few of the already established poets in attendance. Awards were also given out and I wrote my acceptance speech in my head in a matter of seconds, and had everyone laughing, crying and shaking their heads with their hands clasped together and their eyes closed, all at the same time. (As I reread this, I can see how some of you might think I really did win something, so I need to clarify, you have to write, and write well to win. I haven't done either yet, but I'm working on it.) I was so motivated by all the poetry reading, which I am embarrassed to say, I haven't done since college, that I came straight home and wrote a poem, but you will never see it, I'm sad to say. I was venting about something that makes me cranky. Poetry really does mirror the soul, so you'd better watch it if you want to be a poet and still keep your friends. No, it wasn't about Randy or you.

Lest I forget. We each got a raffle ticket and Randy had just told me he didn't think the top one had gone in the fishbowl yet, and lo and behold, whose number was called next? YES! That one! I quickly made my way up to the front of the room, rocking back and forth between my good foot and my newly transformed foot, and claimed my beautiful "Literate Yourself" bag. I was so happy. (Randy had disappeared outside and was calling anyone who would talk to him between 6:30 and 8 last night.) It didn't matter. He took me without complaining and it was a lovely evening.

You are officially caught up now, so I am going to sign off and go and read one of the books that was highlighted last night. I just may learn something. Until next a book and LITERATE YOURSELF! Happy reading.

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