Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Special Mother's Day

I am going backwards in time, as I am left with just the clean-up of the Amos Cottage Aces for Amos tournament and silent auction, and the beds are made after our sister's weekend, ready for the next set of friends. I failed to mention the most wonderful thing in the midst of all of this. Two Saturdays ago...Mother's Day Saturday...(you know it takes a whole weekend to honor a mother,) I had a stamping class that I had signed up for at one of our local scrapbooking stores. You need to see the big picture here. I could not solicit items for the silent auction without buying something in each store. I know how badly the economy has affected so many people, and especially small business owners, so I justified buying something at almost every place to let them know I just wasn't asking for a handout. So, I signed up for a scrapbooking class on a Saturday...a day I never plan anything for unless it is done with Randy and friends.

Randy and I did what we always do almost every morning. He fixes his coffee and I pop open my Starbuck's frappicino, and we go sit outside on our back porch overlooking the pond, yard and sky, and have morning devotionals, pray for God's guidance and get on with our day. Well, we were in the midst of that when I heard the phone ringing inside. It was the owner of the store reminding me of the class, which had already started. I NEVER go out without makeup, but I did this day, figuring anyone else up at 9:00AM couldn't be looking too good to take a scrapbooking class. I told them to start without me and off I went.

There was only one other person and she had already stamped a beautiful array of colors and patterns and techniques, but I was quick to catch up, since I'd already bought most of the materials during my previous solicitations. (I always have good intentions of having some quiet time once I get this book written, but life just seems to have a different path these days.) I found myself just enjoying myself to pieces doing all that creative stuff that just tends to feed my soul. I was even sad when our time was up, so I made additional purchases since I got an extra 10% off as incentive to take more classes, but just for that day only. (I bought a small light box that came in real handy when my sisters and I had already sealed the auction thank you note envelopes and couldn't see if the inside address matched up with the outside address. You could see right through it. I just found the missing letter yesterday and it confirmed what my sister Linda said when we couldn't find a letter for the only envelope left. I had printed 2 of one and thought I'd printed each one consecutively. I was very happy to see I had printed that one and didn't mess things up as we all worked together to get the thank you letters out.)

I'm coming to the good part, so hang in there. I came home and was getting lunch ready for Randy and I. He had some running around to do, so our plan was to meet at home for lunch. I was just washing the lettuce and vegetables and heard the door open and was making a comment about what he wanted in his salad, and I got no answer. I looked up and there was Leah standing right before my eyes. I was speechless, and just burst into tears. What a wonderful Mother's Day surprise it was to see her. She told me she was here for the whole week to help me with the auction. (She used to help me and the other wives of the Universal Studios executives organize the silent auctions that Universal Studios puts on for charities.) I used to laugh and just shake my head at them coming to her for instructions and them being so grateful for her help. It blessed this mother to pieces.

We carved out "Mom and Me" time wherever we could and when it came time for the auction, she had put every item on EXCEL; made colorful tags for each basket; and come up with a final tally sheet on powerpoint. I have never been so proud. The ladies hugged her goodbye and thanked her as she and Randy left to go to the airport. I didn't go as it was too emotional, with all the other things going on. He arrived back about 2 hours later and said, "Well, Leah can't say that all her work wasn't appreciated." I am so thankful for the ladies of the Guild opening their arms and hearts to her. It was the end of a wonderful week. And then my sisters came. (This is starting to sound like "LOST," where you don't know the past, from the present or the future.) And...that was yesterday's story!

I don't want to overlook the fact that I have picked up another country on my widget thing, and I have grown by 2 in 2 countries. I love this blog stuff! I also failed to mention that when I got home from the stamping class, I realized I'd lost an earring. I looked everywhere for it and just could not find it, but when I finally went back to the store to pick up my auction item, there sat the earring waiting patiently for me. I was so happy! God takes such good care of me.

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