Monday, May 3, 2010

We're Staying Busy

What a glorious weekend we had. Randy drove in from D. C. Thursday night, after being there for a good part of the week and I whisked him off to Village Smith Galleries at Reynolda Village, R. J. Reynold's property, on Friday night for a showing by a not-so-local artist named Ion Carchelan. (Pronounced, "EWON.") He is a watercolorist and his work is beautiful! He is from Muldova and his daughter accompanied him to translate for him.

An hour prior to the showing, in Debbie fashion, I decided to finish the mosaic bird bath I've been working on...all but the cross that sits in the center. Randy mixed up the grout that goes in after all the glass pieces are put in place with mastic, and the next thing I knew he had his hands in the grout and he was happily working on the cross centerpiece. (Mark Twain would be proud.) I used broken chards of beautiful china that I had bought at the Replacements Ltd. yard sale they had two years ago. We just paid the $8. entry fee; they gave us a box, and off we went up and down rows and rows of all makes and shapes of dishes, etc. I picked up a lot of Lenox and had quite a few pieces of Haviland china and other well known names from England and other countries. I don't realize how borderline ADD I am until I sit down to do a project. It took longer than I thought it would, but it turned out fine.

We walked Mollie yesterday and decided to walk near the stream down from us that separates the LLC property from the private property at some points. (We walked on the public side. :))It was so much fun to dip my fingers in the cool running water. I told Randy that I am going to walk in that stream before summer's over this year. We were very thankful that we saw no snakes, or foxes, or anything else that can scare a girl to death...that is until we got home. I was down by the pond when I heard Randy yelling for me to come there. I ran up to the back porch and there was a tick on his leg! He killed it and off we all ran to the showers. When I say "all" I mean ALL. Mollie was cajoled to get into the shower with Randy and he washed her until we knew there was nothing alive on her but her. I itched all night...even after the shower.

The backyard has never looked prettier, so stay tuned. The next post will be a pictorial one. Wish you could see it firsthand, but this will suffice. Until then...happy planting.

1 comment:

  1. I can see you doing all of this - especially herding everyone into the shower! Hope to come over to a visit this summer while I am in Wake Forest with my Dad. The move is on for next week. Keep praying. Church hurt is a deep hurt!
