Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring is Springing Every Day

I wonder what in the world I did to deserve living here in North Carolina. I just finished a study on David. If you remember your Bible history, you know David took King Saul's place after the Israelites wanted a king like other tribes, and Saul's heart was hardened. For all his sinning, and he did a LOT mind you, God still likened David as a man after His own heart. Wow, what an example of unconditional love. There is a verse when God blesses him, that he says to God, "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family that you have brought me this far?" 2 Samuel 7:18. That sums up how I feel about living here.

The Beav has, for the present, left my trees alone and stopped eating my azaleas; the fish are jumping once again, the turtles are turtling, and I saw two HUGE female deer tearing across our backyard a few days ago as I stood on the balcony. Mollie, our dog, never even saw them they flew so fast, but she knew something was up because their feet pounding on the ground was close to thunderous. It was so neat. The beautiful blue heron, who lives with her two teenagers at the edge of the pond, was out enjoying the sights two days ago and I just about wanted to cry.

Big news...Randy had no sooner put up a new birdhouse yesterday, when one of our little neighborhood birds flew in and declared squatter's rights. I love it. All the other houses have activity except the bluebird house and that's my most favorite to watch of all. I hope it's not too late for them to start nesting there. We have had to chicken wire stuff every single opening into this house for vents, etc., because the birds are plentiful here and will choose any safe place to make a home. I heard birds fluttering over my head all last spring and into summer, until Randy and Larry finally cleaned out all of our vents. Hence the houses.

I'll be putting up our porch baskets filled with geraniums next week...there just isn't a basket selection here yet, so I will patiently wait. So far I have geraniums from last year that wintered in the garage, and impatiens. I've already pre-planted squash, cucumbers, zinnias, snapdragons, beans and cilantro, which is the hardest stuff in the world to grow. Will keep you posted on that one.

Leah's finally home from Singapore and I am happy. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words of encouragement while she was gone those quick four months. I hope you have the most wonderful Easter and take time to thank God for all you have and are.

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