Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Happy Skippy Jumpy Sort of Day

WARNING: THIS BLOG CONTAINS GRAPHIC LANGUAGE. NOT FOR THE FAINT_HEARTED. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. (If you're reading this you probably know me well, so that's not for you, but it is for those of you from other countries who just happen by, other than Larry in Cameroon.)

To explain the title, when Leah was a little girl and was just exceptionally happy, we described her as having a "happy, skippy, jumpy day," because that's what she did. I am having a "happy, skippy, jumpy day," because that is what I am doing. I went with a good attitude to the "cough" specialist today, as ready as I'd ever be (or so I thought) to have the procedure done where they put a monitor down my throat and have me drink sips of saline water...sounds like torture to me, then they monitor my throat muscles and swallowing. (I can't even imagine passing the first swallow at this point.) Eventually they go to applesauce and do the same. Hmmm. As she was explaining all this, I figured I'd better interrupt and tell her that I had just the day before finished my antibiotic and steroids, and still had a remnant of a cough. (I thought about coughing for good measure, but decided against it at the last minute. Too many swine flu scares going on around here, and I didn't want her health to feel compromised and have her start concentrating on herself instead of me.)She left the decision to proceed up to me. You know what I chose. REPRIEVE! WE decided it was best I wait until my cough is the normal allergic cough. I am so happy. Our friend/co-worker, Michael is here, and he's already mentioned "pictures, U TUBE" you know, guy things like that, and now he can U TUBE away, because there will be NOTHING TO SEE. (They were placing a monitor down my nose and throat for about 18 hours to monitor what makes me cough, etc. It was and will, eventually, stick out of my nose overnight...but not TONIGHT!)

I also got a phone call around 10 and it was my one of my pastor/bosses from Windermere. They were in staff meeting and thinking about me! I felt like I had my own children's TV show with the magic mirror...you know, where the host/hostess says, "And I see..." and makes up a slew of names hoping one will hit home out in TV land, except this time it was a telephone, and I was saying in my head, "And I hear Chuck, Rachel, Troy..." It was great hearing their voices and knowing that some things don't ever change. They were as rowdy as usual, and that's a good thing. It sure kept work from being boring back in the day. (By the way, if Chuck Carter ever calls you and asks if you know what day this is, have ready, "Yes, it's the first day of the rest of my life." He'll laugh his head off and you win! A BIG SHOUT OUT to Troy who is, I'm sure, enjoying THE BLOG. Well, I believe he said he was "reading" it, or something akin to that. "Following" maybe.

Since today is catch up day, I have something else that will make those of you who know me well, laugh...and this is the laugh... I am the treasurer of our Amos Cottage Guild (which fundraises to help children with emotional disorders. I've talked about it before. Google it. Mr. Google explains it far better than I ever could.)It's a wonderful cause and I am thankful to be a part of it. I am being stretched to pieces because we all know my brain is not comfortable in the number's world, but Randy has taken me under his wing, and we are a TEAM. We're right in the middle of a huge pie sale/fundraiser...baked by Mrs. Pumpkin, herself, and to date we have sold over 570 pies just in time for Thanksgiving company. Leah arrives after church on Sunday, just in time to help her mom hand out pies on Monday. I love how that works. She is the one you want on your team when the rubber hits the road. We will put up a Christmas tree while she is here and celebrate Christmas early since she is off to Singapore with Universal Studios for 4 months, in early December.

It's all good. Word for the blog for the day: BLISS! I know you know what it means...a peaceful happy, skippy, jumpy, state of mind and being. May all your days contain it.


  1. Ahhh...loved this post, Debbie. I felt like I was eavesdropping on your call! Did you sell all pumpkin pies? Have you heard about the canned pumpkin shortage that's been going on for months? I've stocked up...stock up when you find it!
    Happy day! La-ti-ci-a

  2. Totally off topic, but someone has created a facebook page for Brookberry. If you log in to facebook, just search for Brookberry and it should pop up. Can be a great clearinghouse to share info particularly for neighborhood watch items.

  3. Nothing is EVER off topic, as you well know. Leah arrived today and will explain this facebook stuff to me. Thanks for the info. Lyn Church is our BBF emailer and with one hit can have info out about events for the week and anything else we need to know. It's GREAT! Happy Thanksgiving! D.
