Monday, November 16, 2009

Catch Up

Hello, everyone,

Sorry I've been away for awhile. I have had the most horrible cough for 6 weeks now. I have been to specialists in regard to my chronic "allergy" cough, and it turned into what was finally identified as "the croup," only 10 days ago. I've been on every medication you can imagine (penicillin & steroids included; not happy but I seem to be on the road to recovery finally); been poked and prodded, and have two more tests in the next two days; one which involves having a tube inserted down my throat for 24 hours to monitor my cough. I am not looking forward to that one, but I will be a trooper, because doctors are our friends...doctors are our friends...doctors are our friends...

I'm getting ready to start chronicling the writing of the book on Brookberry Farm. God has placed so many wonderful people in my path, I can't let one person or situation be overlooked. SO...stay tuned!



  1. I can still "hear" your chronic cough after all the years--praying for your recovery!
    Missed ya! La-ti-ci-a

  2. Oh, Latcia, wouldn't it be wonderful to think it could be controlled? Say a prayer for me, please. Matthew used to say, "Mom, I'd know that cough anywhere." I think it's one reason why we are in NC with all these great doctors/students and medical facilities. I am so happy to be here.

  3. hack, hack...wondered where you went....missing you! carla

  4. Two Windermere connections in one day! I love it. By the way, you've all missed the fall leaves. You snooze, you lose, I'm unhappy to say. Maybe next year. D.
