Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I've "Birded" You ALL to Death!

Oh my word. I just found out my widget is missing. I hope I didn't hit the wrong button and upgrade, because I am perfectly satisfied with my widget as it is. (You know, that's the little moving thing on my blog to the right that states how many hits I have and the country they are coming from.) I love that thing. It just makes me happy...especially when I see the number has gone from 1 to 2 for any given country. I wonder if it's a new person who stumbled upon Brookberry Girl, or if it's a return reader. Either way, I'm grateful for the audience.

My sister Scarlette from Atlanta obviously is taking my advice and freeing herself up a bit. I sent out a notice to my sisters that I was up and writing again after a long summer hiatus. She requested my blogger information earlier, which I don't recall her ever doing, and commented when I asked, that it was all about birds. She's right. I have shown quite a preoccupation with the birds around here. I think it's because I never really noticed anything but the Bob Whites and eagles down in Florida. I was just too busy. I have often repeated myself in regard to the birds, because every time I noticed something new about them, I just added that to what I already knew...just in case there was a new reader who would not take the time to go back to previous blogs. (It's the teacher in me...and yes, this is a repeat...EVERY SITUATION IS A TEACHING/LEARNING situation. I just can't help it.) So, I am going to try to become more DIVERSE in my future blogs. Our children have said more than once that they are worried about me and the birds. So please excuse me for this short entry today. I must go and feed the empty bird feeders. Hope you are having the most wonderful day!

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