Monday, September 27, 2010

I am so BLESSED!

I have had the most wonderful Spirit-filled weekend. It started off with a book-signing of Bowman Gray, IV's newly released book, "As a Man Thinketh," by James Allen, but with Bo's photographs.
Click on this link and you can learn more and even order an autographed copy! As A Man Thinketh, By James Allen (With my photogrpahs) It is very inspirational visually, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. Randy and I are very proud of him. I really admire a person who is willing to take a risk on trying something NEW, rather than succumbing to failure before they are even out of the gate. I hope I will persevere and be the same example.

I started Saturday off with getting up quite early for me, 6 AM, to get ready to go and facilitate a women's retreat for a local Lutheran church. We left shortly after 7 and started promptly at 9. I can honestly say, I have never had the time or took the time to prepare as well as I did for this particular retreat. I am certified by Dr. Mels Carbonell, to conduct seminars on Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts and Behavioral Blends. I've facilitated MANY of these, but this one was different. I've never spoken outside my Baptist denomination. I learned so much in helping me understand how alike and somewhat different we are in our beliefs. I hope I can do more like this so that my knowledge will help me in meeting others where they are in their particular faith walks. The women were so open to what I had to say, but more importantly, they were so excited about discovering just a bit of how their SHAPE helps point them to service within the context of their church. (SHAPE is from Rick Warren's acrostic in "The Purpose Driven Church," and stands for spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality and experiences.) One never knows until after a seminar if there is fruit from their labor or not, but it was very apparent after I'd given them a homework assignment to take specific Scripture, and then use given tools to portray to the rest of the group how these things could be used to convey their understanding of what they had read. Their work was thorough; creative; beautiful and spoke truth...all I needed to know to see that they were open to the Holy Spirit's work within them. I have great excitement for their church and cannot wait to see the fruit that will be borne individually and as a group working together in ministry.

I got home and proceeded to set off the alarm next door because I thought I was supposed to take in their mail and papers since they were gone for the weekend. You can imagine my wonderful peace from the retreat being shattered by a woman's voice echoing throughout the house that there was an intruder "at the front door," then in the hallway. She had far-seeing eyes, because she followed me from room to room and back out the door as I ran next door to scream to Randy, "Call _____! I've set off their alarm and they're going to call the police!" I returned to hear a small voice asking for a dispatch to the house. I picked up the phone and started yelling over the Alarm Lady's VOICE, "Stop...don't call the police! I'm a neighbor who made a mistake!" I got her attention and finally composed myself and told her the whole story. I have learned that it is best to let them see your wacky personality, because they are a lot more open to chalking it up to stupidity, rather than your calm rationalization, because that can sometimes be a sign of calculated craziness.

She very sensitively told me that they had to call the police unless I could come up with the code, which I could not. So I screamed for Randy to keep looking for that number. He finally came over with my cell phone, punched their number, and there's our house number showing up as an incoming call. So, in desperation, I did what any humbled person would do in this situation, I asked the sweet lady if she would call the homeowners so the police wouldn't come. I had nothing to lose and it was worth a try. She was seeing the real me under stress and she could obviously relate... AND...she did! I tell you...never under estimate the power of humiliation and human empathy. They sometimes go hand in hand and produce great things.
I fed the cat and fish while I was waiting for the result I wanted, just to prove to myself that I had nothing to worry about except for the possibility of re-enacting it all for the police when and if they arrived. I was just hoping they would be as sensitive as the lady on the other end of the phone, and that I was not going to be led away in hand-cuffs for all the neighbors to see. I really wasn't up to explaining anything, especially to my Bible study ladies. Over all this contemplation, the lady's ALARM voice followed me everywhere screaming to the world that I had just entered another room and was moving into the next area. The lady on the phone finally said with such empathy, "I've talked to the owner and the police weren't called," much to my relief.

When it was all said and done, I heard from my neighbor and she so sweetly apologized for nothing she did, as I profusely apologized for what I did do. I reset the alarm as she told me what to do and then I walked calmly back home and stated, "I'm home!" On a more serious note, you might want to check out this specific alarm company. They are advertised on TV all the time and it works just like they say it does. What self-respecting thief is going to stick around while THE VOICE from above is screaming where you are at any given time? I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed and calm day. I know I am.

1 comment:

  1. Seems your widget has returned! It is at the bottom of the page. Love you,

