Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words

Look what I've learned to do! It's so exciting. I've been picture-adding all morning. Leah just told me how to do it, so watch-out! You now have visuals and words! Don't think for one minute that now that I have pics that it will cut down on the number and content of my words...but it will today, because I am officially writing THE BOOK. I turned the proverbial corner yesterday and am now on my way.

It's very interesting how a family can start out on the right foot from the very beginning and it continues, for the most part, into today. The Gray family valued education as far back as I can see, along with participating in and giving back to the community. The early ancestors were shop keepers, politically minded, and involved in starting hospitals, growing churches, and helping colleges to prosper. (Look at their Duke involvement.) Not unlike today.

Enjoy the pics. I've got to go and write.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are writing! The pics are wonderful!
    Love you,
