Monday, December 21, 2009

...And Enjoy Him Forever

The second part of man's chief end, "...and enjoy Him forever," came into play the day after Randy and Matthew arrived home. We rarely get a good snow here, and this one was awesome...around 4 inches or more. It covered everything, and that's a good snow to me. We awoke to a picture perfect, sun shiny, snow covered world. It truly was as though the glory of the Lord was shining all around us. Everywhere you looked was a reminder of God's glory and His creation. It was beautiful. It reminded me of the verse in Romans 1, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

Matthew slept until noon, so we had a late breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and grits. (Only I ate the grits.) As we were eating and enjoying the scenery out the back windows, Randy said, "Hey look! There's somebody sledding down the hill!" He was referring to what I call, 'Cow Hill,' which is a part of the Bowman Gray, Jr. estate. I grabbed the binoculars to make sure it wasn't trespassers and was happy to see Bo 4 and his son and a dog climbing back up the hill after a sled run, with the truck parked at the top of the hill. It was such a picture! He sent us a picture from his viewpoint. It was very comical in some ways. What a wonderful technological world we live in.

After that, I trekked up to the cold attic to find our ski-wear that was packed away. It brought back fond memories of past ski trips as I looked at the small mittens, ski pants and bibs, and I realized how quickly time flies, once again. As I stated was a picture perfect day. We didn't need hats, or anything other than gloves, jackets and shoes. Randy and Matthew no longer have snowboots, so that turned out to be the only problem for the day, as the snow found a great place to nestle in the warmth of their shoes.

We have the most wonderful hill that leads down to the pond in our backyard. There are only three situations that make it treacherous...after a torrential rain, acorn season and snow season. We learned the hard way last year about stopping on the sled before getting to the pond and my rose bushes. Our neighbors have a wonderful sled that looks like a Boogie Board with 2 sets of handles in the front and back. They shared with us. We provided the hill; they provided the transportation. We all took turns, and decided it was time to go on to bigger and better after a while of trying to skirt the bushes and pond, so off we went to the hill behind the barn. It was awesome. We flew down right into the street and on across. I was the only one who screamed and squealed. (Sound effects really add to the fun, I have decided.) We spent the good part of the day building a snow girl and sledding. It was so warm that no one wanted hot chocolate like in the old days, and I am certainly not complaining.

Which brings me to the close of enjoying Him forever. I look at this beautiful earth and I see the wonder of God's creation. I see the results of what man's disobedience has wrought and I look forward to spending time with Him forever someday in the true Paradise. I rejoice at the reality that I am a child of God because I accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the One prophesied, the One glorified, the One sent to reconcile mankind to God. I look at how the history of one man changed history forever, even to separating the world's history before and after his death with 'BC' (Before the birth of Christ), and 'AD," ('Anno Domini,' or "The Year of Our Lord.) But more importantly, I see a standard carved out in stone, on how to live with God and enjoy Him forever, which carries right over to loving oneself and others, especially the unlovable.

Read the book of Romans and you will see the power of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the Son of God; how it transformed one man named Saul from being a persecutor of Jesus, to probably his chief advocate, because he had a very personal encounter with him on the road to Damascus. We all have access to a relationship with the Father, through the Son, with His Spirit residing in us and directing us right into eternity. It's just a matter of accepting the Free Gift of Salvation and trusting that Jesus is who he says he is and that he will do what he says he will do. To Him be the glory! Merry Christmas!

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